Sunday, June 24, 2012

Are They Clients?

My role in our district will be changing as of the 2012-2013 school year.  I will be a technology integration specialist.  I will be a resource for teachers and their ideas of using technology tools in the classroom.  I have been pondering whether I can call the teachers in our district that I will be working with "clients".


Client(s): a person or group of people receiving the service or professional advice from a source DEFINE

Am I that?  I professional advice person, a service?  I think so.  My vision is for teachers in our district to provide their content and their idea for implementing technology as a tool to accomplish a task relating to the content.  I am the professional advice.   The person who can take their "big idea" and provide specifics.  Specific technology tools to accomplish their goal.  My whole focus will be to make the teacher's job of implementing technology as easy and painless as possible.

As @followmolly would say:  "I am not trying to change the content being taught.  I am trying to change the way the content is being taught."

Classroom teachers want to use technology but don't always know the best tool to use.  Since it is my passion to continue to "fill the tech toolbox" as @kmtitler likes to say, I will provide teachers details of technology tools that can be used.  I will co teach a lesson with them.  They deliver the content, I help instruct the details of the tech device.  Maybe I create a tutorial of the tech device for the teacher to view and they teach it.  Whatever the teacher (client) wants,  I will help in whatever way I can.

In order to do this, I have begun the process of developing a Google form that will allow any district staff to complete in order to receive help.  

Client?  Yes, client.  Me: professional person, helping teachers integrate and implement technology tools.

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