Thursday, May 12, 2011

Meeting With Other Model Classroom Teachers

Photo Credit: HERE
On Tuesday all six model classroom teachers were able to meet and discuss a number of items.  Great discussion!  Items include:

Items to discuss:
1. Orders/ Purchases - reviewed all items purchased.  We were able to see the different digital devices that the classrooms will be using.  Exciting - more on that later.

2. Summer Professional Development
·         Professional Learning Academy:  August 1-4, 8 am- 3 pm (1 hour lunch) 
·         Morning- learning time/ afternoon- work time
·         Collaboration with Howard Suamico School District
Excited about this.  We will be collaborating with another district on all things 21st century education related.

3. Classroom Arrangement  This is FANTASTIC.  Some really great pictures on how a classroom can be set up.  This is the most exciting concept of the 21st century classroom that I am working on at this point.

4. Expectations


1.  Summer Professional Development (1 week)- This professional development will allow for hands-on exploration and practice of technologies that may be integrated into the classroom in the form of technology-infused lesson plans as well as provide an opportunity for teachers to gain in depth knowledge of the refreshed ITLS standards, and Common Core standards. Teachers will use the same equipment or similar to that which the teacher will use in their model classroom.

2.  Develop rigorous 21st Century, technology-rich lessons and units as well as 1-2 problem based learning units.

3.  Collaboration time quarterly with other model classroom teachers and instructional technology staff to discuss curriculum, online content, and project based tasks for their classrooms.

4. Work with instructional and technical staff to make any necessary adjustments in the vision, structure and setup of the model classroom.

5.  Open your classroom doors to staff for frequent walkthroughs, observations and demonstrations throughout the school year.

6.  Open your classroom doors to parents, community and other school districts quarterly for walkthroughs, observations and demonstrations.

5.  Collaborative Tool
Google Site  We have created a preliminary website that will allow each of us to discuss the year's successes and challenges.  When this is up and running, I will share.

Very productive meeting!
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